Orthognathic Surgery

Jaw bones grow as part all skeletal growth and development. Sometimes the size of upper and lower jaws are not normal. You could also not manage this discrepancy with braces for kids. Overgrown lower jaw (mandible) or small upper jaw (maxilla) creates bite problems.

Underbite, anterior (front teeth) openbite, flared front teeth are examples of improper bites because of jaw bone problems.

One of the solution to fix bite problems due to abnormal jaw growth is corrective jaw surgery. The surgery often happen sometime during orthodontic treatment.

An oral and maxillofacial surgeon works with an orthodontist to develop an interdisciplinary treatment plan and perform the surgery.

Oral and maxillofacial surgery ( aka jaw surgery) treatment is mostly for adult patients but there are some teens that go under the surgical procedure when they are 16-18 years old.

Jaw surgery with Invisalign Clear Aligners

Orthodontic treatment options that are combined with corrective jaw surgery used to be traditional braces. Advances in orthodontic technology offer the use of other appliances like Invisalign beside the conventional braces.

Adult patients are often not interested in wearing braces. The Invisalign system (Invisalign orthodontics) or other clear aligners are esthetic treatment options that can combined with jaw surgery. Tooth movements with these appliances are different than metal braces yet they work.

Lingual braces are braces behind the teeth and a great alternative for Invisalign in patients seeking jaw surgery.

After jaw surgery with clear aligners or braces, you need to wear retainers to prevent your teeth to relapse. Learn more about various types of orthodontic retainers.

Surgical Orthodontics

Certain malocclusion or abnormal bite like crossbite in adults requires an orthodontic treatment combined with jaw surgery. This approach also referred as surgical orthodontics. Other conditions that warns jaw surgery is sleep apnea.

The treatment time for orthodontic treatment with surgery varies from one to two years. The treatment start with straightening the teeth, improve the overbite, closing the spaces and fine-tune the presurgical needs.

Immediately after the surgery, you will wear an splint. For patients with clear aligners, surgeons add miniscrews or TADs to wear rubber bands from.

Looking for an orthodontist in Greater Seattle or Bellevue

Book a free consultation with Dr. Rooz to learn more on surgical orthodontics If you need more information on jaw surgery with clear aligners (Invisalign treatment). Dr. Rooz is an assistant professor of orthodontics, a board certified orthodontist, and a member of the American association of orthodontists.